Helping panhandle patients in need, one step at a time.

We are a safety net for patients afflicted with cancer and blood diseases. We channel human and material resources to patients who need help during their battle.


Our goal is to help ease the financial burden of those fighting cancer or blood diseases while living or receiving treatment in the Texas Panhandle.

Ours Story

PCCF began in 2008 when a group of oncologists at Texas Oncology’s Cancer Center in Amarillo want to provide more assistance to their patients.


How We Help

Money raised by PCCF goes directly to patient support. This includes a patient pantry, the Dudes N’ Divas and Princess Warriors support groups, and assisting with bills like transportation, rent, utilities, food, and COBRA.

92% of all funds go directly to support patients in the panhandle, including feeding them.

Whatever it is, what you donate, big or small, can make all the difference.


“I have stage 4 ovarian cancer and without PCCF, I would have to delay my treatment due to rising gas prices. PCCF has been a godsend, helping me. I just don’t know what I would do without their help”

— PCCF Patient

“So shines a good deed in a weary world.”


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